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J in Local recommendations

Play dates in or near brixton london

Looking for other mums to meet as all my friends kids are older than mine 🙃 need some mum friends in my life to do play dates and coffee breaks with.

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Incognito in Making friends

Can't find friends IRL

It's been 2 years.I can't belive how hard it is to find mom friends to have playdates with.I am starting to think it's me. I live in Germany. I just don't get it. I meet someone, and it's like pulling a tooth to get them to have a playdate once a week.I go out of my way, drive an hour to meet them, squeeze them int...

  • Incognito
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L in Induced labor


Please help a girl out that can’t be induced (breech baby) and doesn’t want a c-section. I have 2 weeks maximum to either get little girl to turn around (been trying for weeks with no luck) or start labour myself. Any tips or tricks that could help either of the above?? ECV is not medically an option.

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P in Common illness


Anyone have any tips on how to beat congestion? I don't know if it's allergies or if it's the weather or if I'm getting sick but nothing I try is helping.

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Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

Why is this happening??

On the 30th of last month I was with my partner unprotected and a week later I had pink spotting for a few hours and then it went away so I assumed it was probably implantation bleeding right!? But now it's 3 days before my expected period and my 6 day sooner pregnancy test is saying I'm not pregnant so I'm sooo con...

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