Incognito in Other
Vvvvvv faint line
I’m pretty sure I’m going crazy but does anyone see a Vvvv faint line! No idea how many DPO I would be as I’ve not had a period since stopping contraception. I think I’m just at imagining things
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I saw recently quite few posts where woman get upset seeing pregnancy tests when people questioning if there are two lines. It does not annoy me but I understand somebody gets upset about it. Hence why I thought it would be nice to have a group where ladies still can post there tests without any fear or doubt 💗💗💗
Incognito in Other
I’m pretty sure I’m going crazy but does anyone see a Vvvv faint line! No idea how many DPO I would be as I’ve not had a period since stopping contraception. I think I’m just at imagining things
Incognito in Other
This morning my husband said he felt we were pregnant. I laugh it off and im like noo, I'm barely 9 days PO. Usually we have to wait 14 days or missed period. When he left I felt kinda bad and I text him saying I would test just to ease his mind. And then this happened... 😳
E in Other
I’m 19 weeks pregnant this isn’t my test it’s my friends, line eyes?
Incognito in Baby products
Wot you think ?
D in Pregnancy test results
I need some opinions please! I took 2 FRER tests and both within 3-5 mins showed a very faint line. Can you see it? Is it possible to be an indent or evap line between 3-5 mins of testing? I also done a clear blue digital but that came back negative. Im so confused!