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For all doctors, nurses, physios, OTs, HCAs etc... anyone working in the NHS 💙

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C in Other

On call

Hi I’m returning to work from mat leave in April 2025 (thinking ahead!) I am a physio and I was previously doing respiratory on call. Can your managers make you do on calls when you return? I’ll have a new baby and I’ll be sleep deprived enough… surely they don’t expect you to go straight back on the on call registe...

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S in Work & money


Hey, can anyone tell me how their payslip was laid out when they received a mix of regular and mat pay in the month. I think my Trust payroll has screwed up as my July pay just has basic pay, it doesn't indicate any mat pay. I asked for my enhanced pay to be paid across the 39 weeks.

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Incognito in Other


I’ve just qualified as a nurse but haven’t started working as of yet. I’m currently 10 weeks pregnant and from my understanding a preceptorship can last anywhere between 6-12 months. If I start working now, I will obviously be on maternity leave before my preceptorship ends. How would this affect me? Any advice appr...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Maternity pay

Hi, I’m not sure I’ll qualify for maternity pay. Can anyone help please?? I’m due to start a new position as a staff nurse in September but have been working since December 2022. And I have been in my full time position since then. Due to it being in a different trust will this affect my maternity pay when it come...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Sick pay query

I'm 30 weeks and currently off with PGP. I've been in the trust less than a year so only entitled to 4 weeks of full sick pay. Can I ask, is this each time I'm off or accumulative? I'm due to go back in a couple of weeks, but if I go back off sick again does that 4 weeks restart? Thanks x

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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