The Fourth Trimester

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The Fourth Trimester

For discussing those first 3 months postpartum. Topics to include birth recovery, baby blues, newborn care, all things babies up to 3 months old, and anything else relevant to the "fourth trimester" I felt like the Motherhood group was too broad, so created this group to focus on the special period for mom and baby.

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T in Breastfeeding

Baby doesnt want the breast

Baby girl is 2 weeks old and we have had issues with breastfeeding since the get go. Traumatic birth meant I didn’t get to hold her for the first 5 hours of her life and a case of bad baby blues meant I wasn’t eating / drinking much at all for the first week. Since the weather has been hotter she has been refusing t...

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l in Postpartum mental health

Is it baby blues or post partum again

Hi, I just had my 3rd baby girl, currently 6 days post partum after a planned c section… physically I feel fine, actually recovering pretty well but the mood is something else.. I feel so sad a lot of the time, almost grieving level… I am so scared of being by myself and here it is, the dreaded day has come, my husb...

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G in Breastfeeding


How soon after birth did you get your period if you didn’t breastfeed?

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S in Birth control

First period after birth

I am really struggling had my first period on 4th June and it knocked me for six I started my contraception then ans I am still bleeding 13 days later what do you think I should do I have another week on my pill and then the period will arrive again just don't know what to do as I am constantly drained and in agony ...

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Incognito in Other

Mother and baby unit

Anyone been admitted to mother and baby unit before? I’ve just arrived and need someone to tell me it got better after this

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