Breastfeeding Moms UNITE!

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Breastfeeding Moms UNITE!

Tips, tricks, and support from one breastfeeding mommy to another! Breastfeeding is so rewarding, but it is not always easy! There are a lot of things about breastfeeding that are negatively stigmatized for no reason, and a lot of things not openly discussed with new mommies choosing to breast feed. We’re here to be open and honest, no judgements! Whether you’re a soon to be mommy who isn’t sure about breastfeeding, or a mommy to older kids who breastfed a long time ago, we’re all in this together!

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Incognito in Breastfeeding

Morning after pill and breastfeeding

My partner and I had unprotected sex this evening. I told him that it’s risky to finish inside me but he still did. I’ve ordered the morning after pill as my little one is only 11 months and deffo not ready for another just yet!! My LO is breastfed and refuses a bottle. I’ve gone for the Levonorgestrel as it says t...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

C in Other


So I'm having a hard time with my milk it's definitely come in (I'm a week post partum) my baby has a severe lip and tongue tie so I'm trying to pump and bottle feed until after his surgery because his latch is bad and his suction is weak. We have been formula feeding as needed to supplement and I was pumping 2oz pe...

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Incognito in Pumping

No milk supply

I’ve been exclusively bf for 3 months now and today my boobs have been empty, I’ve been drinking lots of water and everything. My LO has been latching but starts crying after a couple minutes cause nothing is coming out other than few drops

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Formula


So my supply has been going down and I was pumping 2oz off each breast now I'm barely pumping 2oz tg, I'm using the enfamil formula, last night she breastfed for an hour!!! Then a breast milk bottle and it wasn't enough so I gave her a 2oz bottle of the formula and that was around 5am and we woke up around 7 and she...

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A in Pumping


Hi I was on oversuppler with in 2-3 weeks I was getting 5 ounces per pump and morning pump was7-9 after my baby was born. I slacked off a couple days because I was in the nicu trying to get him home. Now it’s been 2 months and I’m a undersupplier I barely get 1.5 ounces each pump and my morning pump is 3. I WILL TRY...

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