LC Run Breastfeeding Support Group

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LC Run Breastfeeding Support Group

This group is to support and educate mothers on their breastfeeding journeys. The group is ran by admins who are educated and trained in lactation. We do not advocate or for the use of supplements, CIO or harsh sleep training methods, solids prior to six months, nipple shields and topping off (more info is always needed here). This is a fact and evidence based group. Shaming not allowed. Please refrain from encouraging formula use to moms seeking breastfeeding support. We are pro-breastfeeding (not anti formula) and want to make sure that moms are supported in that way and provide them with information that will help them make the best decision for themselves and their babies. Pushing for the above not allowed and your comment or post may be deleted or hidden without warning if it breaks these rules.

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P in Sleep & tiredness

Tired, hot and a bit sick feeling while expressing/feeding

Hi folks, Does anyone else feel a sudden fatigue, really warm and a bit sick while expressing or breastfeeding? I'm sure it's all wrapped up with just being tired but it's almost like all my energy is being literally drained away 😂.

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Getting baby to latch. Please help

Should I try at night or how can I approach this She’s older but I want to try Any advice would be appreciated

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Formula

Baby does not tolerate formula

My baby is 4.5 months old, he is exclusively breastfed from breast. I gave him formula 3 times (quantity less than 10ml) and all times he vomits a lot after having formula. He also rejects expressed milk from bottle, just accepts breastmilk from breast. What should I do?

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L in Pumping

Blocked milk duct won't go 😭

Hi, I've had a blocked milk duct now for 9 days. It's about the size of a golf ball and it's really sore. Doctor said they can't do anything unless I have a temperature. I've tried massage, bath, electric toothbrush. Any ideas would be much appreciated. 💕

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J in Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding while pregnant

So I’m currently 14 weeks (about to be 15) and my 2 1/2 yo was still nursing quite often. I’m noticing my milk supply has dropped a lot if not almost all the way gone, so I was wondering if my daughter stopped nursing would I then avoid having to drop feeds little by little so I wouldn’t get engorged or anything? Li...

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