Clomid/femara support group

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Clomid/femara support group

I wanna start a group for women to support each other on our journey also for women who have already been on clomid and femara and if it worked for you or not also for women considering clomid or femara NO MALES ALLOWED WHAT HAPPENS IN THIS GROUP STAYS IN THIS GROUP DO NOT SELL MEDS DO NOT SHARE ANYTHING IN THIS GROUP OUTSIDE OF THIS GROUP

597 members

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N in Pregnancy scans

Pregnancy announcement!!!!

How do you ladies plan on announcing your pregnancy to your SO? my first idea was waiting until my first ultrasound buying a cute little custom made onesie with his last name on the back and due date placing the ultrasound on top of the onsie on our bed so he can see right after he's off work lol

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N in Trying for a baby

Good morning ladies

Currently 7dpo tested and a negative but still very hopeful will try again at 10dpo how's everyone feeling today???

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M in Fertility treatments

Missed dose of Clomid

Hi ladies! I’m currently on my 4th round of clomid. On my 3rd round i was able to get BFP, but unfortunately MC. I’m on my last day CD 7 of clomid and completely forgot my morning dose it’s now almost 7 pm. This has never happened to me before and I am racking my brain how I could’ve possibly forgotten. I am debatin...

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N in Pregnancy test results

Line eyes

So I broke down and wanted to test at 6dpo I just seen a girl test in another group at 6dpo I feel I see something vvvvf but maybe my eyes are deceiving me so tell me what do you see

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N in Groups

2nd group

Hello ladies I plan to make a 2nd support group for those of us who get our BFP it's never enough support especially being pregnant and getting support from other expectant mothers I'm hoping to see those BFP soon from you all BABY DUST VIBES TO ALL OF US!!!

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