Mother-in-Law Problems

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Mother-in-Law Problems

Have a crazy MIL you need to vent about? This is the page for you! Feel free to share any kinds of issues or problems you have or had with your MIL.

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Incognito in Single parents

Should I visit my mil....

So my mil lives a 2 hour drive from us, but she lives close to my friend! Every time I visit my friend, I've been stopping by to see my mil (roughly twice a month) This obviously puts journey time and extra time on my day as I usually stay an hour. I also see my mil other times, I just feel like every time I visit ...

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Incognito in Relationships

MIL telling ppl we're pregnant, now I have to go see her, help

I'm 7+ weeks now and at 6 weeks we told our immediate families we were pregnant and asked them to keep a secret until we announced at 12 weeks. Come to find out from my partners cousin that MIL has been making phone calls to extended family sharing the news. Honestly she's not even my MIL bc we're not married, we've...

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Incognito in Family

Mother in law

So about 4 years ago me and thw father in law fell out for about 3 months (I nearly lost my relationship because of it)... I never stopped them seeing their grandchild all through that period of time. Things settled again eventually but I'm pregnant for a 2nd time ( due to health reasons it hasn't been on social med...

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Incognito in Family

In laws

If my mom didn't give a damn about my son I wouldn't give a damn about her either. How do I get my husband to stop feeling guilty because his mom decided to turn her back on him and blame it on me saying I'm the one that leaves him motherless? She didn't like me from day one. She didn't buy anything from her grandso...

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Incognito in Other

In-laws seen baby 3 times in 4 months

Feeling really awkward about an upcoming meal with them. I don’t feel like I should hand my baby over but how can I avoid this?

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