2 under 2 mama support group

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2 under 2 mama support group

This group is to help moms of two under two. If you need advice, need to rant or just need to talk to someone who understands your struggles.

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L in Other

Wanting something for baby to be higher up

Looking for something to get where I can put baby higher up so baby isn’t at my daughters level Incase I’ve got my back turned ect! Any recommendations?

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B in Other

Traveling with 2 Under 2

Anyone have any ideas on the best way to taclke this... I have a 17 month old and a 2 month old traveling by myself on a 2 hour flight. I myself have always been an overpacker but I know this is not going to work with two babies. Any tips or tricks to make this as smooth as possible??

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Incognito in Baby travel products

Double Prams

Hello. What is everyone doing about a double pram? I have a 2 week old and an almost 2 year old and I need out and about for walks but no idea what pram and some are a fortune!

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

K in Pregnancy test results

Late period after first cycle

So I’m ten months postpartum, and my period returned last month at exactly the 9 month mark. This months it’s late by a week, but every pregnancy test I’ve taken is negative. I’m still nursing my baby and we are using protection except for the start of one time. Anyone experienced this? Was your cycle just extremel...

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L in Baby travel products

Double pram

We’ve looked at the cybex gazelle s and we really love it! Has anyone had it / got it and got any opinions on it? I don’t drive so a side by side is deffo out of the question as there just too big!

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