Migraine Mamas

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Migraine Mamas

A group for moms (and TTC ladies!) who suffer from migraines/ cluster headaches/ chronic headaches. A place for us to vent, share our experiences, ask for advice, etc.

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R in Other

Headaches and migraines… 17 weeks pregnant- when to get them checked?

Hi! So I’m a regular headache/migraine sufferer. On the few occasions I’ve seen my midwife or had hospital appointments, I’ve been told to keep an eye out for headaches and get checked if I have any persistent ones. I’ve explained my medical history and the fact that I’ve suffered with headaches and migraines for...

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S in Pregnancy symptoms

Propranolol for migranes?

Is anyone else on this? I am on my second dose and 20mg. How long does it take for it to balance out and work? My headaches don’t seem to be as bad but are definitely there!

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H in Other

Symptom overlap - preeclampsia

So I've been told I've got protein in my urine and been called back to the hospital tomorrow for extra checks for preeclampsia. I don't have high blood pressure but I've had a migraine now for the last 5 months so obviously I can't really tell if there's been any extra headaches or visual disturbances and now I'm p...

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J in Early pregnancy symptoms

Ocular migraines?

So it’s a long story I’m afraid but any help/advice very much welcome. Going back 8 years ago I suffered with a really bad head pain, couldn’t lift my head by off my pillow on bad days, this went on around 4/5 months then just stopped during this time I was signed off work sick and going to the hospital for tests, ...

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L in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Sumatriptan in first trimester?

Hi all. I’m a migraine sufferer and usually take Sumatriptan when I get an attack. I’m now 7 weeks pregnant and in the last week my migraines have got really bad, I think also combined with my nausea so I’m struggling to eat and drink too. I spoke to the doctor who was really reluctant to say I could still take my s...

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