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group for women trying to conceive with IUI

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A in Fertility treatments

IUI Process and cost in the UK

I’ve decided to try and start a family on my own at 35 after a long relationship ended. Has anyone been through IUI in the UK? I have so many questions, how to find the right clinic, a donor, how many cycles, what to expect from hormonal boost and roughly how much it costs in total 😰 Any help would be so appreciat...

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L in Menopause

Cycle buddy

Anyone on day one of a medicated cycle or close to that?

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J in Other

TTC - infertility

Hey, I’m under a fertility clinic at the moment and have been prescribed clomid but I’m worried because I know I do ovulate so I l’m not sure clomid will help. Would anyone be willing to share the reasons why they’ve been put forward for IUI please? I’m just trying to figure out if it may be the right thing for me...

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A in Ovulation tests

HCG Levels

I got the call from my fertility clinic Tuesday that I'm pregnant!!!! They said anything above a 30 would mean I'm pregnant and I was at 180. Twins run in my family and I know doing fertility treatments also increases your likelihood of multiples, does anyone know if having a super high HCG level in the beginning is...

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S in Fertility treatments

1st IUI- TWW- 11 dpt. When does the trigger go negative?

This is my first IUI after getting submucosal fibroids removed, my husband has some morphology and tiny bit of motility issues (2.5 forward progression). Did Femara for 5 days, then switched to estradiol to thicken lining and still taking it. Trigger was 2/14, and actual IUI procedure was in 2/15. On 400mg x 2 a d...

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