Socially awkward moms

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Socially awkward moms

A group for anyone who'd love to meet other mums but might struggle socially for whatever reason. If you're nervous but still want to make friends, we're here for that ☺️

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J in Other


Hey mommas!

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J in Family

Family visiting after travel

My MIL just flew back from bending overseas for over a month. We asked her to wait about a week before coming to see our 8 month old and family due to all the illnesses going around this time of year. Our family is just feeling better from a virus and we don’t need another. She agreed, no issue. We have a family f...

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S in Making friends


Hi my name is Shalonda. Are there any moms in Orlando, FL?

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S in Making friends

Energy not reciprocated

Do you stop responding to people when you see that they see your messages and don’t respond for days or even months but is actively posting on an app?? I just figure that the person is not interested in getting to know me, so why waste time.

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Incognito in Making friends

In a perfect world , all of us would be friends with each other but it doesn't work that way

Just recently , I realized how someone told me in the nicest way possible that we weren't a good fit and honestly my ego was left bruised but I took it better than I thought . Sometimes not everyone you meet is meant to be your friend or has your best interests at heart. It's okay. Keep trying and maybe you'll find ...

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