Early Pregnancy Care

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Early Pregnancy Care

The first 12 weeks could seem like the longest thing in your life at that point. Wondering what's save and not save to do. Let's gather mamas and get the best advice

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Incognito in Pregnancy scans

What to expect during pregnancy

So I haven't been pregnant for 14years and I'm just wondering what to expect. When I was pregnant the doctor done the referrals but now its self referrals which was a shock, but when is my 1st scan from the NHS? Iv had a private scan when I found out and I visited early pregnancy last week ( high risk pregnancy) I'...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

P in Pregnancy Week by Week: First Trimester

1st time mum.

Waited for this baby for years, 2 failed rounds of ivf and fell naturally. I'm 7weeks and feel horrible I'm obviously over the moon about my miracle but feel shit! I'd this normal.

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A in Other

Subsided symptoms

Ladies, I am so worried about a MMC. Since I found out I have had really obvious symptoms minus nausea and sickness so far. But as soon as I hit week 6 (im 6+4) my symptoms have really subsided. I have tested and still positive but I know that doesnt mean anything, or does it? Im trying not to freak out and trust my...

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S in Other


Good morning! Im looking for recommendations for prenatals I recently started taking Thorne which I’ve heard is good but it’s making me so sick I can’t keep them down they make me puke. Idk what else is good that won’t make me so sick.

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Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms

5w 6d. TW blood.

Hi ladies , mild cramping along with this when I wipe, it’s not heavy and just had one bit when I wipe. has anyone had similar and gone on to have healthy pregnancies?

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

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