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A space for potty training mamas to share tips and tricks!

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Incognito in Other

Didn’t notice she peed

My daughter (who’s a week shy of 2 years old) is on day 5 of potty training. Using the method outlined in the oh crap potty training book. It’s day 3 of pants and she’s only had 1 accident per day. Tonight, my husband took her outside because she was going stir crazy inside. At some point she peed and he didn’t noti...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Potty training

Advice appreciated! Unsure whether to keep going or pause

Read the oh crap book. Day 6 and no signs of getting to the potty to wee, still standing weeing and shouting ‘mummy mummy’. Has been naked bottom half, until today I tried trousers but still 2 accidents whilst shouting. Howevvvver, has been able to tell us since day 1 when she needs a poo and will do that in the pot...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

Do I give up?

Hiya, I am looking for some advice. We have been potty training our 26 month old boy for 2 weeks. He is able to go to the potty or toilet when he is naked from the bottom down no problem. However, when we add shorts (no pants yet) he is inconsistent and starts to have accidents. Sometimes he will tell me he needs a...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

M in Potty training

Toddler won’t squat to poop

My toddler is 2yrs old and refuses to squat when he poops. He isn’t ready to potty train yet but any tips to help to get him to squat? We have tried to squat ourselves to show him when he is pooping. And we have tried to bend his legs but he is stiff as a board. Not sure how we will ever potty train him down the roa...

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A in Other

How to get pee smell out of clothes

My son keeps having accidents in his underwear/shorts (it's mostly my fault because I forget to remind him) but I can't get the smell out of his clothes when I wash them 😩 I use vinegar with them and wash on cold. Should I try doing warm water instead or an extra rinse cycle?

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