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Resources for the fertility journey

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Incognito in Other

Am I pregnant after miscarriage?

I had a miscarriage on November 1st. It's been 43 days, and today, I started feeling nauseous and decided to take a pregnancy test. It came out positive. I guess I'm just confused. I know we're not all doctors (I have an appointment set up on Tuesday to see what's going on). But is it possible that I am pregnant ? O...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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L in Trying for a baby

1 year ttc

Hi ladies ..just looking for some support and your stories ...ttc for a year now and starting to get to me .how long has it taken some of you ? I have got children allready so know it's possible but just wondering if sth is wrong. Any advice? ❤️

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M in Other

How do you handle your stress during the TWW window?

It's the tricky little time of waiting to test. How have you handled your stress during this time?

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R in Other

Faint Line??

Hi!! I’m 10 dpo and I started testing every other day since 8dpo. I’ll add both images but I’m just wondering if I have line eyes or if something is actually there! I ask because I’ve had heavy ewcm 2-3 days before ovulation and on the day of, had intimacy on ovulation day. Could this be something or am I delusion...

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M in Other

While trying to conceive have any of you tried a fertility friendly diet?

Is there anything you changed in your diet in the time you tried to conceive to the weeks leading up to test for pregnancy?

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