PGP- Pelvic Girdle Pain/ SPD- Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction

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PGP- Pelvic Girdle Pain/ SPD- Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction

A place to share information/tips & story's about PGP/SPD.

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S in Postpartum symptoms


Found out about this being an actual thing yesterday, I thought I was going crazy with how much pain I’m in and because I’m due today they won’t give me any helpful suggestions on managing the pain. Like exercises or anything because it will be over soon apparently. Any one got any exercises I could do until I give ...

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Incognito in Other

Pgp pain vs birth pain?

Did anyone find their pgp pain to be worse than labour and delivery?! I am in constant agony every day at 38w and now worry I can’t handle a vaginal birth

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

K in Other

People who had PGP

I am currently 32 weeks, and since 20 weeks have had PGP In my left lower back, at the back of my pelvis (where back dimples are) and it’s a shooting, excruciating pain. Not siatica as not shooting down the leg. Some days I can’t walk or move. Anyone who had PGP, (even better this kind) how long until it went post...

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L in Early pregnancy symptoms

Pubic symphasis dysfunction

Going for an MRI Wednesday I am 9.5 months post partum and still have pain from walking 20 min even… Has anyone else had this, THIS far out from pregnancy? Can I ever have another baby? I am freaking out will I ever get better with PT? SOS 😢😢

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s in Early pregnancy symptoms

Horrible pgp pain

Hey ladies, I am experiencing horrible pgp pain. I am 28 weeks now. I cant sit on chair or gym ball for more than 5-10min. Tried exercises as advised by physiotherapist, nothing works. Can anyone please suggest any remedies that helped them ?😭😭

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