Incognito in Ovulation tests
Have I ovulated?
Hey everyone. Is my chart looking like I’ve ovulated as my app is saying that it’s not detected a significant rise to confirm ovulation?
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For those trying to conceive using base boby temperature. A group to share, discuss, compare your charts and ask any questions about BBT.
Incognito in Ovulation tests
Hey everyone. Is my chart looking like I’ve ovulated as my app is saying that it’s not detected a significant rise to confirm ovulation?
Incognito in Early pregnancy symptoms
Can anyone offer advice on my bbt? I had my peak reading, my cervix was open and I’ve had slight cramps I’ve also had CM
Incognito in Other
Is my BBT too low after ovulation?
Incognito in Menopause
Looking at my chart does anything think I’m out? I’m due on my period on the 27th
Incognito in Other
Hi! Slightly confused as natural cycles and fertility friend don’t allign because of my cm. My ewcm stopped and then 4 days later my temp spiked, which do you think I should follow? This is my first cycle after a mmc.