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Incognito in Baby milestones

Help Severe Tantrums 20 month old

Please shed light on your experiences or tips navigating this difficult time. My son is 20 months and the tantrums he's experienced I would say are quite severe and im now thinking it's not normal. He's perfectly healthy, talking alot and meeting all milestones. He struggles with no when he doesn't get his way which...

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Incognito in Legal

Anyone who has experience with leaving a DV situation when you have no money or job - can you tell me what happened?

I’m loosing my mind a little right now and would love to hear from anyone who has first hand or second hand experience with leaving a DV situation. Thankfully my partner is not physically abusive to myself or kids- but sadly it has crept into every other aspect of our lives. It took years to get here and because I w...

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Incognito in Teething

Kids dental Melbourne

Where can I take my 4year old son who needs to be put to sleep for caps to be put on his teeth due to grinding? Somewhere good and that’s not overpriced? Have taken him to several dentists with no luck and took him another one recently who were really good with him but are quoting us an insane amount and are tellin...

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Incognito in Pets

Neglectful neighbours.

This might be a long scattered post but I need advise. I live in a unit block of 6.all units are 2 or 3 bedroom single story. 3 government and 3 privately owned. About 4 yrs ago people moved into Unit #5. It has about 6 kids (under 10yrs old I think) oldest no longer lives there. Not sure why. At one point the gra...

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Incognito in Mental health & wellbeing

Has anyone completed a PhD?

Some of the jobs I'm looking into (I'm at the stage in my career where I can look at progressing into more senior and academic roles) require a PhD. I've studied so much over the years though that I'm just not sure if I want to continue studying or not. For anyone who's completed a PhD, did you still have free time ...

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