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P in Baby milestones


Any one have any advice on 2 year olds throwing tantrums? I have 2 kids before my youngest and her tantrums give me bad anxiety. I screams, she cries, kicks and I stops me from taking her out. Her tantrums could be changing her nappy to putting her down for a nap? Things she is use too and never had a problem with b...

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Incognito in Relationships

4 years in a relationship with baby daddy but he won't marry me

I've been with my baby daddy for 4 years now. He proposed to me 2 years ago, before I got pregnant. Our relationship is registered as well. However, in recent interactions, it came to light that he didn't want to get married. I don't know what to feel. I left my ex due to the same reason. And now I feel like I'm bac...

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  • Incognito

P in Skin conditions


I wanted some advice on kids with Eczema, my daughters both have it and we only jus found out yesterday as they have never had rashes or any kinda itch to their bodies. It’s all new territory for me now, my 5 year old has it on her face and she’s usually very confident since having it she didn’t want go school ( she...

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Incognito in Family

How do you know if your relationship has ended and can't be fixed?

Struggling with my relationship atm. We have an almost 2yo son. Our relationship became cold, distant.. More like housemates. We don't even sleep in the same bed anymore. I don't know if it's worth trying to salvage my relationship or just walking away with my pride.

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L in Local recommendations

Are there any Calderwood Mumma’s?

Like this post if you’re a Calderwood surrounding area mum, let’s try catch up!

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