October 2020 Babies 🇺🇸

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October 2020 Babies 🇺🇸

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J in Other

Anyone else thinking about getting pregnant?

My first is now almost 4 and I’m thinking about having my second but I’m anxious. Mostly about repeating pregnancy symptoms and the trauma of birth / postpartum. Is anyone else also thinking of it, or was anxious at first but it ended up being great?

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M in Baby care

Best learning tablet

Trying to pick a tablet for my almost 4 year old. Any advice on an Amazon fire tablet vs leap frog academy tablet?

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E in Baby sleep

Sleep help!

My son is 3 1/2 and he does not want to sleep in his bed at night and it’s been months! We moved to a new state at the beginning of April and we’ve since he has just not wanted to go to sleep at night. He just sits and screams and cries all night long until I eventually give in and lay with him. He has a night ligh...

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N in Making friends

Mom friends.

Looking for mom friends in the Lehigh Valley area. My daughter is 3. We love going out to parks & doing fun activities on my days off from work.

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I in Other

I need some advice 😩

Hi everyone, My order girl is 3 years old 7 months now she’ve been giving me such an attitude I sometimes can’t handle her just pisses me off. When she did something bad she knows she did bad and she just looking at me and saying “sorry mommy I said sorry are you happy now ? “ other things like she hits and pinches...

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