November 2020 Babies 🇺🇸

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Melatonin with 3 year old?

Has anyone used melatonin with their 3 year old? Mine is in such a bad sleep habit because his dad started working over nights. He is staying up until 1130-1am some nights and then sleeping until 9-10. It’s killing me because I am 9 months pregnant and not getting any sleep like that. I was looking around and saw me...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Family

Feeling like my boyfriend plans nothing

I'm not really sure what to do about this. I am dating someone that doesn't seem to really plan much. For example we see each other once a week, usually Saturday, we go out to dinner and then that's pretty much it. I have a daughter and he doesn't seem to want to hangout when I have her on the weekend. He also alway...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Baby sleep

Saw this on instagram and found it useful!

Sleeping chart for 3-4 year olds!

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Incognito in Relationships

Thoughts on having another baby?

I am going to be 37 in the fall. I had our first son in 2020 and our second son in 2023, they are two years and two months apart. For each child, I took off almost 2 years unpaid leave from teaching (it's an option in our contract), and so I've only really worked 6 months in the past 3 years since having babies. I'm...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

E in Other

Daughter not eating like she used to

So since last Friday, my daughter hasn’t ate like she used to. She would always be hungry and would actually eat food that me and my husband give her but now she isn’t and it’s been like this since Friday. I don’t know what to do bc it is stressing me out and I’m also pregnant with our second daughter

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