December 2020 Babies 🇦🇺

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December 2020 Babies 🇦🇺

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L in Baby sleep

Night terrors

Hi ladies, If anyone has any tips on how to manage night terrors, please please help! My 3yo sold is going on having them for a year now. We’ve tried the waking him up to try and interrupt the REM cycle, we’ve looked at his diet, reduced tv time and changed what he watches. He gets so violent he’s given himself mul...

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L in Potty training

Toilet training

Would love all the toilet training tips please :) for my 2.5 year old girl!

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K in Baby sleep

Sleep regression 🥱

Anyone else dealing with the dreaded 2 year sleep regression! Our toddler was on a great bedtime routine, he’d go to bed with his bottle (we still do a nighttime bottle as his eating hasn’t been great) and then he’d just roll over and go to sleep within 20 mins. Then one night he just decided Nup not doing it any...

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J in Activities for kids


Hey my son is born on Christmas Day and is turning 2 this year. I have no idea what to get him. Any ideas?

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N in Local recommendations

need friends and support

I live in Sydney,western sydney and in need of friends i only have a handfulbut rhey have their own family and partners im a single mum got no support at all.

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