March 2021 Babies 🇺🇸

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Incognito in Baby milestones

Not listening/fighting everything

Is anyone else's toddler acting terrible recently? 😩 my son has been fighting me and my husband over literally everything out of nowhere. Fights sleep, fights going potty, fights even drinking water. Just straight up refusing to listen 😩 my patience runs out after 5 minutes of trying to reason and him yelling or whi...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Other

Elf on the shelf

It’s our first night doing elf on the shelf! He appeared right before they went to bed and he wrote an introduction note. Im a first timer so this should be interesting lol wish me luck!

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M in Family

Sons horrid attitude after new baby(rant/advice request)

I'm getting very frustrated with my son. I had ny daughter on Halloween and my boy has been having major attitude problems ever since. He absolutely loves his new sister, gives her so many hugs and kisses, wants to cuddle and play with her. He's becoming an absolutely wonderful big brother. However his attitude with...

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L in Baby products

Expired organic baby tooth oil

I have Wellements organic baby tooth oil but I noticed the date says BB 02/23. I am assuming I should throw it out. It was never opened and stored in a cabinet.

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Incognito in Family

My toddler doesn’t want to go to daycare

I am not sure what I should do. Since a few weeks my toddler boy doesn’t want to go to daycare. He is crying hysterically and says that he is scared. I usually hold him for a while and “bribe” him (he can take a car, he can pick a song, making a game out of going to the car) to get into the car. Once we are there he...

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