March 2021 Babies 🇬🇧

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March 2021 Babies 🇬🇧

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R in Baby sleep

3.5yr regression?

My daughter who has gone to nursery since 9 months and has been a good sleeper is all of a sudden upset at drop off, not wanting to go to bed and awake 3am-5.30am saying she is scared, she wants to get up. I have had to rub her face to comfort her back to sleep, but even then I can see she is fighting it. Then wakes...

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E in Baby sleep

Suddenly waking lots in the night..

My daughter has gone from being a good sleeper and going 11-12 hours a night to waking up multiple times a night. Anyone else finding this with their 3yr olds? Last night she was awake every hour calling out for us and we have a newborn so we’re hanging today! The newborn is sleeping better than her 🙈

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S in Other

Mum groups? 💗

Are there any mum WhatsApp or Snapchat Groups? I have three boys and would love to speak to other mums ☺️

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H in Baby sleep

Dry at night

Is anyone’s little one dry at night yet? How long for? My little girl has been potty trained for over a year now, and she’s only recently just fully grasped it without as many accidents. But she is nowhere near dry at night, she seems to find her nappy comfort and I always ask her to use the toilet before bed but ...

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Incognito in Education

So I’m trying to arrange visits to schools before we can start applying for schools. (I’m the same person from yesterday)

From my understanding, our kids will be starting reception next September. These are the following options to pick from. Do I pick EFYS (early foundation years) or do I pick year 1? Sorry, I am from England but lived in a different countries when I was in school. 😅

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