k in Local recommendations
Any western Sydney mums ? I’ve got almost 2 year old in Blacktown Would love to make more mum friends his age 🙂
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k in Local recommendations
Any western Sydney mums ? I’ve got almost 2 year old in Blacktown Would love to make more mum friends his age 🙂
S in Breastfeeding
Does anyone have any good recommendations on wearable pumps? Last time I was feeding my pumping dropped off because it was so inconvenient during work! Hopping this might help when I get too busy
C in Family
My daughter is 19 months. She only says mum dad and sis. Just wanting see if anyone has a bub the same age and how many words they say.
H in Family
Hello mums Yesterday my 15 months old came in contact with a kid who has inactive RSV. Her reports came today. They shared the same spoon Should I be worried ? Is there any way I can prevent that ? Thanks
E in Baby sleep
My LO and I are struggling to drop to one nap and have a routine. Would love to hear how you dropped to one nap and info about nap times 😊 TIA