April 2021 Babies 🇮🇪

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April 2021 Babies 🇮🇪

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S in Baby milestones

What age do most babies start to walk at 🤔

Hey everyone, so my one year old just refuses to walk. He can walk with help and with his toys but just refuses to try on his own. I know he will eventually but should I be worried ??

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M in Baby sleep


Hey anyone any tips for a good routine for an 8 month old to help her sleep 😴 I'm drained

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Sleep 🙈

Hi so I have a 6 month old little boy, who had been sleeping fine from about 7:30/8pm till about 7am now he keeps waken could be 2am or 5am not crying just awake making noises could take me an hour to get him back to sleep 🙈🙈 and then wakes at about 6:40/7am up for the day 🙈🙈 then only getting naps of 35mins long A...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

M in Other

Moving on to comfort feed

Hi all, anyone have experience of moving 5mth old on to aptimak comfort feed.... He has a sluggish bowel and he is now getting constipated quite often and I tried offering some water but not making much difference... I'm thinking of moving on to comfort feed but a little bit hesistant as his form is great and sleepi...

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S in Weaning

Hello 🥰 could someone help a new mom out 🙈 so my 5 month old is currently in the weaning stage has been for a good while now. He is having porridge in the morning then he’ll have a veg in the late afternoon and porridge before bed …

With bottles in between 6 ounce bottles but he’s not finishing them I’m assuming he’s full, but I’m not getting 3 hours out of him and he’s screaming at me because he’s hungry 🙈🙈 he’s currently on comfort cow and gate formula. He suffers from regurgitation also 🙈🙉

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