May 2021 Babies 🇺🇸

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J in Teething

Anyone seen this?

My daughter was crying saying her lip hurts so I looked in her mouth and saw this white looking soar on her gum.

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J in Birth control


Anyone take this ? Did it help with anxiety? I just started taking it.

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D in Baby & toddler food

Preschool lunches

My son starts preschool in August and I have to pack him a lunch and I’m WORKING to find different lunch ideas 🥲 he’s a picky one but I can’t send him turkey sandwiches every day lol help!!!

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A in Baby milestones

3 yr old suddenly stuttering?

My LO (turned 3 in May) the last week has started stuttering when she’s telling us something she’s excited about with longer sentences. I’ve read this is likely developmental and possibly related to a language explosion/her brain acts faster than her mouth can move. She knows when she’s doing it because she will som...

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A in Baby milestones

Normal behavior or should I seek help?

I don't know what to do with my toddler. He is so defiant. He throws fits whenever we are in public. He screams all the time (seems like to get attention even though it is negative attention) but I tell him to stop screaming literally 500 times a day ( not exaggerating) I'm at such a loss. I feel like I am failing a...

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