May 2021 Babies 🇨🇦

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May 2021 Babies 🇨🇦

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D in Parties & celebrations

Who else is like omg time flies!!??

My boy is about to turn 3!!! Omg 🥹

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K in Potty training

Potty training. Bail or continue?

We are into day 3 or daytime potty training (3-day method) and having little to no success. Mom who have done this before, when or why would you call it quits and try again later? Our experience: Little one will say "pee pee" as she's peeing and nervously go to the bathroom. She asks for cookies just for sitting ...

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C in Activities for kids

Play area for 2 year old in downtown ?

Any suggestions for indoor or outdoor play areas for 2 year old toddler ? Thanks

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T in Breastfeeding


When did you all start weaning your l/o off boob? We are still exclusively breastfeeding but my milk supply seems to be getting lighter as she sometimes skips naptime feeds. Should I go to a bottle or straight to sippy? And I know they say 3.5% milk but is 2% okay? Thanks mamas!

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S in Formula

Loss of appetite

My 20month old is teething. She used to eat well all the meals but now hardly has a few bites and asks for milk.. milk makes her gassy and then she cries all night doctor says not to give her milk . Please advise what should i give my baby to increase her appetite. I came across orange naturals appetite for kids (...

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