C in Baby gender
12w6d Is there even a nub in the photo? 😅
Boy or girl? X
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Just for fun ladies - want lots of different guesses for the nub?! Then this is the place! I just love seeing the outcomes!
C in Baby gender
Boy or girl? X
Incognito in Potty training
14+4 is this a boy?
J in Pregnancy scans
We find out tomorrow 🥺 this is from 15 week scan. Also posted 12 week scan below too. I think girl but everyone saying boy. What do you think?
Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester
I’m swaying 🩵 because of skull but can’t see a nub. But I have no intuition. Excited either way 😃 any guesses? Scan is 14w, 10w in comments
Incognito in Pregnancy scans
from these scan pictures would you say boy or girl ? 15+3 when the scan were done ☺️