August 2020 Babies 🇦🇺

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R in Potty training

Toilet training

My daughter is 3 and still in nappies I try and get her to use the toilet at home but she won’t she will only use it at day care. We have gone through a huge change recently where the doctors have said not to make any huge changes as it landed her in hospital unable to walk witch is I know weird but psychologically ...

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m in Potty training

Anyone got any helpful tips on toilet training?

I’ve just started toilet training my daughter and I’ve got the seat that goes on the toilet but she’s scared of it so I’m wondering if it might be better to get a potty for her

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S in Making friends

Hi I am new here.

Hi There I just signed up with this app today and feel so excited with this app. We are from Brisbane City, Australia. Looking forward to meeting other mamas :-)

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L in Baby sleep

Will moving to big bed mean no more naps/sleep ins?

So we want to move my daughter into a big bed before new baby comes in Sept but my mum says it will be the end of daytime naps! Has anyone successfully transitioned to a big bed and maintained good sleep habits?

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S in Single parents


So just discovered that my partner that I've just gotten back with only wants to be with me until his ex is ready to take him back minded you he expects me to pay half his bills

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