Speech Delay

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Speech Delay

This group is for moms who child/children has a speech delay

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Incognito in Baby milestones

Help please

Please help. I'm losing hope. What type of therapy works best for children who are not talking at all, like not saying a single word? My son is 29 months old. He does gestures (pointing, waving sometimes etc) and comprehends for the most part but not interested in saying a word. He is so smart - knows all his number...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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Incognito in Baby milestones

13.5 month old not talking or pointing

The no talking part doesn't scare me as much as no pointing. I know it's not considered a delay until 18 months but it's still very scary that most kids his age met this milestone and he didn't. His communication in general fell behind since he started walking, he's always on the go and very interested in moving aro...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

C in Childcare

Kindergarten ESE

A question for mothers who have a child in public school kindergarten ESE who has speech delay. Do you ask questions to the teacher and paraprofessionals daily, during/after pick up? I’m trying to see if I’m going over board..

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M in Baby milestones

My 21 month old toddler > Looking for Advice/Experiences Regarding My Toddler's Behavior and Speech Development

Hey mommies, I’m feeling a little concerned about my 21-month-old daughter. Lately, she hasn’t been responding when we call her name, and her Montessori teacher mentioned she’s noticed the same thing. She listens sometimes, but doesn’t always obey, and she’s only saying about 7-8 words right now. I’ve already booked...

  • M
  • M
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C in Education

Schools with cameras in the classroom.

I have a five year-old in kindergarten who is currently struggling with speech delay and I’m trying to find a school that have cameras in the classrooms in case of incidents or just to check on him throughout the day. Does anybody have any suggestions on where I can contact to get that information or any locations? ...

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