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Support and fun for mom’s with toddlers!

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J in Other

Sick Toddler

My 2.5 year old woke up with a fever this morning. In the past when giving him Motrin or Tylenol he would easily take it, but lately he will put up such a big fight that half of it will end up on his shirt and the other half ends up in his mouth that he refuses to swallow and then ends up on his shirt with the rest....

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L in Baby & toddler food

Toddler Eating Habits...

My son who is almost 4 will not eat fruit or veggies. He will not try any new foods. We have tried everything. I have tried mixing things in with food he likes and he will find it and not eat it. The food he likes is so limited. Help me!

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Incognito in Other

Late walker

Anyone else have a little one who’s a late walker? My daughter is 19 months and not walking, she bum scoots to get around. Physio and doctor aren’t worried but would love to hear of others in similar situation!! Thanks

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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S in Baby milestones

Terrible Two's! 😭

Anyone got any tips for a desparate mama! My lovely little boy has just started to become extremely difficult when we go out in public. He doesn't listen and he will often throw himself on the ground outside 😩 Any tips on how to grab his attention at all?

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s in Potty training

Potty training help???

Anything helpful for potty training! I feel like my daughter is doing a good job once and then the next it’s like I took 5 steps back. Anything is helpful please. I feel so Stressed already! 😩😩😩

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