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A place to chat about anterior placenta's and how it has effect you, your partner and your pregnancy in general.

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Incognito in Pregnancy scans

4D scan with anterior placenta?

Hey, I’m looking at booking a 4D scan but I have an anterior placenta and really not sure what gestation to go. WTTW suggest between 24-27 so I’m thinking 25+3 days (purely because it’s the only date my family who will be coming can do!!) but just wondering if this would be too early or if anyone else had a 4D and ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

A in Pregnancy scans

4D scans

Just wondering when is the best time to get one done? I’m currently 29 weeks so hopefully I’m not too late 🫣

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L in Baby movement


so baby’s kicks have started to be really strong, i have an anterior placenta and the last couple of days i am convinced he has been moving and i can feel him moving almost behind the placenta as i can feel it but not see the kicks or moment as strong sometimes. wonder if anyone else has experienced this? is this no...

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L in Other

baby moving?

feeling abit worried as over the last day or so i’ve barely felt baby move, i have an anterior placenta so i know it can be harder to feel him move as i am also only 22+1 and he’s still small. i’ve said to myself if ive not felt anything by around lunch then i will ring the triage for some reassurance. This is my fi...

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M in Baby movement

Baby movements

hey, i'm 24+2 today, wednesday i went to triage for reduced movements, all was ok he was kicking just can't feel it as much due to placenta, im feeling him the odd time during the day just wondering if anyone has/had the same, and if so when were they really noticeable/consistent?

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