Mothers of Boys
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Mothers of Boys

By Nikki

The NO girl gang

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T in Baby milestones

Crawl Play ?

Looking for a good place to take him to baby out at. He likes to crawl around the house and play with us but I’m public he’s shy with other babies. He is an only child, but at daycare he plays all day usually.

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Incognito in Other


My little boy, who's almost 5, struggles every 3 to 4ish months with pain in his right leg. It's to the point his leg gives way and it lasts up to a week at a time. Gp thought he had a knock knee, but Orthopaedics have discharged him over this and had xrays to the hips only. But it's still happening. I feel awful se...

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Incognito in Body temperatures

6 year old excessive sweater

I have a question for the boy moms. Does anyone have a son that sweats excessively during play or sports?? I’m super concerned my son has always sweated pretty easily. Now at 6 while playing he sweats like someone dumped a cup of water over his head. It’s bad to wear other parents comment.

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Incognito in Family

Need someone to talk to😢

So recently me and my partner have hit a rut. Been together 6 years two beautiful children, one of 6months. But I can't decide if I'm just putting up with things or being unreasonable. Since we had our son our sex life hasnt been as good as it used to be, which is obviously expected. But then since having my lit...

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A in Family


So my almost 3 year old has turned into a tantruming monster in the last month or so. He used to be delightful, so sweet and biddable and helpful and all of a sudden he just loses it over absolutely nothing, it's exhausting and whilst my husband and I are trying to be consistent on managing the behaviour it's not al...

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