Mom's going through divorce/separation/ breakups

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Mom's going through divorce/separation/ breakups

This is a group for all mom's going through a recent breakup or divorce. Moms who need someone to support them or may have questions about the divorce or custody agreement process. It's never easy going through a break up especially when children are involved. Let's build each other up an help each other and ourselves get through tough times.

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Incognito in Other

Relocation while Custody Battle

So I'm in a bit of a pickle, I have filed Divorce and Ex is requesting 50/50 with our son. However I have reason I don't want him to do this like our son will have zero stability moving houses every 2 days,but I do want to move to another state FL -MN. I just feel like if I filed paperwork I'm gonna get denied but I...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Relationships


I'm in the middle of leaving my baby's daddy and he's had a new job the past week now. His 6th in 5 years. He works nights (start times change daily) and sleeps until about noon-1pm once home. So far he said Saturday is his day off, none other. How will his times with his son work? I'm taking our son with me and was...

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Incognito in Single parents

Just as difficult as dating!!

Lol Is it me or is making connections on here just as difficult as dating?!? Might be me. 🤣

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Incognito in Legal

Ex-husband wants attorney present at mediation because I'm refusing to change the custody schedule.

We mutually divorced 1 year ago. Ex-husband now wants to change the schedule to suit his girlfriend's schedule, so we are going to mediation. Both kids are currently thriving, in all aspects. For a myriad of reasons, I won't agree. We are required to have 2 mediation sessions. The first session consisted of us and t...

  • Incognito
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  • Incognito

Incognito in Other

What's the actual issue??

I'm so motivated to connect and make truly meaningful relationships that go beyond play dates but no one seems interested. I feel like we've become such a competitive culture and that struggling has become such a norm, that no one really invests in relationships outside of the core family unit. Imagine a group of 6 ...

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