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V in Baby sleep

Any Bed Wetters on a Monday? Lol

So I keep trying to give my BD a chance to put the freaking diaper on right at night before bedtime so my girl won't have an accident and it's like he can't get it for the life of him. So when he goes to work, I'm the one that cleans up all the pee on the toddler mattress. He should already know how to put the diape...

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B in Skin conditions

Toddler lump in armpit

Small pea size lump toddler armpit with chaffing rash

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Incognito in Baby sleep

Am I smart or shitty?

I gotta know what other people think of this, my daughter is 3 1/2 and she tends to wake up pretty early in the morning and with me being pregnant I don’t like getting up that early so every night before I goto bed I fill a bottle with some juice, and cut up some strawberries for her, I also set a few snacks out tha...

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Incognito in Baby care

Boy mom question !

I am a mom of 2 little boys. When my oldest was young occasionally I noticed his penis was erect sometimes. Not often at all and come to realize when talking with dr this is normal. Fast forward to my second son, I’ve noticed that he has not had the same occureneces. As a mother is this something I should bring up t...

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Incognito in Baby milestones

Non-stop, non-productive talking?

My son is my WORLD! However my nerves tend to get struck pretty quickly when he talks incessantly 🤯 He's 3 years old. Sometimes it's not even talking but repeating the same sounds or phrase over and over again but it seems like it never stops. There rarely ever silence unless he's sleeping. He also constantly talks ...

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