The MOM Rant

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The MOM Rant

Need to rant ? I know as moms we have a lot on our plate ! So you can load off here. Relax after you’ve calmed and have a glass of wine you’re doing great mamma !!

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T in Postpartum mental health

Major issue

This is more about me and my ppd. I have it bad to where I cant control my temper. Im nit sure how to fix this or how to even calm down like I get this black out anger where I cant calm down. I really need advice because it causes majority of myself and my husband's arguments. Any tips on how he may be able to deal ...

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Z in Pets

Ok rant !

My bf had kind of been irritating me lately - he is a SAHD and by no means is being a stay at home parent easy but I think he’s spending too much time doing things that aren’t productive. He can literally sit and ply his game all day (idc if he plays I just want him to take care of stuff. He hadn’t watered our garde...

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C in Mental health & wellbeing


There are soo many mamas on here that are going through similar situations. I’m reading some of your posts in tears because I thought I was alone! Having a broken heart while being pregnant, as a new mama or any other case just sucks! Some men... I said SOME men are really just shitty people and we are paying the em...

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S in Mental health & wellbeing

Teething Meltodown

My baby Joey is 6mo old and teething like crazy lately and it’s throwing off our semi-routine. He’s been extra needy and clingy and I can’t seem to get things done around the house. It’s driving me nuts!!! It’s been stressful 😓 It’s been testing my patience (I have very little of it.. I know I’m working on it😞) and ...

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Incognito in Baby sleep


When your husband takes a nap in the middle of the day cause he’s tired, but you’re still getting up in the middle of the night breastfeeding and get no nap. Dude!

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