August 2021 Babies 🇬🇧

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C in Other

Still won't Poo on toilet/potty

We started potty training at 18 months and he was fine pooing for the first month. Then he stopped and would only do it in his pullups. Due to food intolerance issues he kept getting constipated so I put it down to that so i just let it be. Everyone said he'll do it on the toilet/potty when hes ready. At around 2 ye...

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S in Potty training

Hey anyones lil one still not potty trained? I have tried to potty train my girl a few times. I thought we cracked it one day as she had some accidents but would still quickly sit on potty when poo or wee was coming out but then the day

After she didn’t want to sit on the potty anymore and I keep asking her and she says she doesn’t want to go on potty and I even bought her a peppa pig toilet seat but she doesn’t want to sit on there either. Anyone else struggling?

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Incognito in Baby milestones

How do you feel qhen others tell your toddler off

Unless he's done something really bad I don't agree with it but I guess I'm soft.

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Incognito in Family

Just lost it with my little boy :(

My little one is so whiny and demanding and intense. He will cry until he gets what he wants, shout and get my attention if I’m talking to anyone else. He isn’t aware of his surroundings so is constantly accidentally hurting me or his little sister. He just won’t listen. So after already kicking me on the sofa, el...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

S in Potty training

Toilet training - tips?

Hello! my little boy starts preschool in September and goes to school the following September. He turns 3 end of August. I said to the nursery (which is also my work) that I would try and get my boy toilet trained during summer hols so that he’s toilet trained for preschool. So I thought I’d dedicate a week of inten...

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