M in Sleep & tiredness
Am I aging or is handling a toddler really just this exhausting??
Anyone else facing this? My little Energizer bunny is nonstop! Hubs and I are exhausted!! Is it age, or do the 20yr olds feel the same?
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Hi Mama! Are you a first time mom 35 years and over? If you answered yes, then this is the group for you! Welcome! Let's share our experiences. ❤ 🤱
M in Sleep & tiredness
Anyone else facing this? My little Energizer bunny is nonstop! Hubs and I are exhausted!! Is it age, or do the 20yr olds feel the same?
Incognito in Childcare
My daughter is on day 2 of daycare drop off's, and she's so upset when we go to the room. She screams and hangs on so tight to me. I've been told she settles quickly and she seems to enjoy it otherwise. It's very upsetting, and seeing her so upset and emotional upsets me, too. How do we make drop off a fun and ex...
O in Baby movement
Hey everyone, First time Mama here. I’m 22 weeks and still not feeling any movement :( At the anatomy scan last week they told me everything is perfect, and I have an anterior placenta. Has this happened to anyone? I wait for flutters / bubbles etc but haven’t felt them. Hoping for some reassurance, feeling uneasy...
N in Sleep & tiredness
I’m really struggling emotionally lately. I’m 26 weeks with my first and I feel so overwhelmed and I don’t know why. I just have this looming feeling that I have a “deadline” and I won’t get everything done in time. It’s hard to get out of my head and I just feel stressed, anxious, or depressed all day. I’m trying m...
T in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester
Hey ladies I'm 37yo and pregnant with my first baby. I'm currently 25 weeks and today I went to the doctor and she told me my pregnancy is high risk due to my HBP. I used to take pills for that (before pregnancy) and I still take them now. My BP is kinda controlled for now but she told me about the risks of getting ...