SAHM GANG (judgment free zone)

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SAHM GANG (judgment free zone)

Stay at home mother’s gang! Women who want help and advice and great women who need help and advice! Anything goes. No judgement and no negative or disrespectful comments.

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Incognito in Household

Married friends ?

I need more married SAHM friends… I have a close friend who I confide in so I recently told her I was thinking of returning to work and how I felt bittersweet about it her reply is she didn’t have that privilege and that she doesn’t have a husband to provide and that she feels a female should always have their own ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

L in Household

Does anyone not enjoy homemaking?

I’m a SAHM trying to accept and appreciate my life as it is. I know some people have it harder. But my husband is always asking me if I ever want to “decorate the house more” and make it look nicer, (his mom did that growing up), but the truth is even if he gave me an adequate budget for that I would actually rather...

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Incognito in Family

Husband rant

Does anyone else feel like their husband uses weaponized incompetence when it comes to helping and general tasks in the house, especially when it comes to caring for your kiddo? Don't get me wrong, I do EVERYTHING for our home but sometimes NEVER get a break. And if I ask for it, I feel like the bad guy. I haven't g...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Making friends


Hi GUYS! Just checking out how's everyone doing? I'm a SAHM and looking for mommas out there that's the same! I moved in the UK for almost 4 years now and still don't have a friend. Is this normal? I miss going out with my friends.

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

C in Family


Ok so my husband has been asking me what I want for Christmas.... Is it selfish of me to tell him I want a weekend getaway for just the two of us??? Let me give ya some background here... We met and started dating in 2017 ..he has a daughter from a previous relationship and I have a son from a previous relations...

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