Spiritual Gangsters 🇬🇧

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Spiritual Gangsters 🇬🇧

A safe space for those who are spiritually in tune to connect and share.

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R in Postpartum mental health


Been feeling like a new a big physical, spiritual and mental reset before giving birth. Any advice? Also looking for an astrologer! Any recommendations welcome x

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J in Spirituality

Reiki recommendations

Hey everyone :) I am looking for recommendations of reiki healers in London/Essex/Hertfordshire. I just had a very underwhelming chakra balancing session that felt rushed, didn’t include a whole lot and almost like she was making it up as she went along. Would be ever so grateful for recommendations ♥️

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D in Other

What's going on? So many flares.

Flares again today. I have an app that shows it and after I felt immensely dizzy this morning I checked and saw this. How is everyone today?

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D in Spirituality

Electromagnetic storms, solar flares

Hi everyone, I'm just wondering if anyone has been affected by the recent solar flares? There were some yesterday I believe on the 4th and I felt terrible all day. It seems to affect some people and not others. Just wondering if anyone has looked into this at all? I've started looking online but I'm not finding m...

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L in Spirituality

What a weekend!

So I fully believe that I’ve experienced a spiritual awakening this weekend! It’s been the weirdest, mast crazy weekend and I’ve spent the whole time questioning my partner and friend as to whether I’ve lost the plot! Like, am I nuts? Has my cheese slid off my cracker? I feel clearer, I know what I need to do to c...

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