Spiritual Gangsters 🇬🇧

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Spiritual Gangsters 🇬🇧

A safe space for those who are spiritually in tune to connect and share.

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S in Social media

Hello spiritual mamas 🍄

I would love to create a group chat with likeminded mamas. Those of us who love being outdoors with our children, a place to share recipes & herbal remedies and to possibly meet up if anyone lives close to each other! I think it’s so hard to find similar mamas nowadays and would love a supportive group where we can ...

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Incognito in Other


Are there any other mediums on this app ?

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A in Religion

Do you practice a certain spiritual path?

or you rather feel like you're still trying out different paths? "All roads lead to Rome" after all.

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Incognito in Other

How much water for 6+months ??

My babies are loving water , however I don't let them drink too much because I don't want them to fill up on water however I'm not sure if I'm not trusting them enough to know the difference between the 2 . Sometimes they spit their milk bottle and take the water one. And how much is too much if I can be too much ?

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Incognito in Other

Did anyone dream of their baby?

When I first got with my hubby I used to meditate a lot and have visions sometimes. A vision of our daughter, I could never see more than one and never a boy, always a girl. We tried for a baby for over a decade and just 2 weeks before I was beginning fertility treatment the cycle I thought was another wasted month ...

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