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Travel and Holidays 🇬🇧

A community for women who are always on vacay. Share advice, tips and recommendations.

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L in Activities for kids


Hey We’re going Florida soon with our little girl who is 1yr 9months. I’ve never been Florida so not sure what the best parks to visit with a toddler would be? And where to buy cheap one day passes? Any suggestions Thank you xx

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Incognito in Other


Traveling to Egypt with 1 year old in a few days time.. staying at jaz aquamarine hurghada, can anyone say if the food is okay to give baby in all inclusive and baby will be okay with it? And also what water bottles to use to make up formula for baby

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Pregnancy Week by Week: Second Trimester

Reduced movements while abroad

Sorry this is my fist time pregnant so very new to this. I’m going on holiday next month to Egypt where I’ll be 25weeks. I was just wondering if anyone has experiences of having reduced movements while pregnant abroad and whether your travel insurance covers you for this. I am not even sure if you should or shouldn’...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

N in Baby travel products

Travel stroller

I’m looking for an affordable, travel stroller for my girl who will be almost 2 when we go away. Recommendations will be great

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T in Other

Egypt holiday with my 7M old

Hi, going away in a few days. Does anyone know if there are any particular shots my baby needs before going?

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