Travel and Holidays 🇬🇧

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Travel and Holidays 🇬🇧

A community for women who are always on vacay. Share advice, tips and recommendations.

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N in Baby travel products

Rear facing strollers

Has anyone come across a rear facing stroller that isn’t part of a whole travel system? My LO will be 5 months when we go on holiday and this will probably be the first time he’ll be in the stroller rather than bassinet. I’m also looking for the stroller to be lie flat and cabin approved if that’s not too much to as...

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Incognito in Formula

Milk abroad

I've got a 15 month old who was BF but is now fully on cows milk. Do you buy milk when you go away on holiday or take formula instead? Xx

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Incognito in Formula


Hey mummies, quick question about formula when going for holiday abroad. We're going to Turkey for a week and I'm not sure if I can buy a tin of formula and put it in my luggage? Also if any of you been with your LOs, is water safe there to make the the formula up or is it better to use bottled water? It may be sill...

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Incognito in Other

Formula milk powder dispenser for travel

Any recommendations for a good formula powder dispenser for travel?

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  • Incognito

E in Baby travel products

Cabin approved stroller

Heya! I am looking for a cabin approved stroller and can’t really decide between the silver cross clic or Joie pact pro. Any experience with one of those strollers? Or can you recommend any better ones? 🙏🏽💕

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