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A space for the women who are just winging it.

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Incognito in Other

Scary TV shows/films

Those that are into horror/thriller type stuff; how long after having your baby did you stop watching with your baby in the room, or did you always take them to bed before you watched your own tv shows/films? I’m watching Dexter currently and when I’m winding him he likes to watch tv and when there’s gory scenes, I ...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito

Incognito in Family

Partner support

If dad works 4 on 4 off, the 4 on is 12 hrs he leaves before kids wake and come home nearly 8pm when they are going to bed. So I do everything cook his tea then he goes to bed. His 4 off i have been offered a few hours work (max 4 hrs 1 day) hes fed up for not having any days off as he has the baby. I’m running aro...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

C in Other


Hey girlies, I’m due to go back to work doing nights in two months. The problem is my son is solely breastfeed and falls asleep to the boob. Can anyone recommend any bottles that I can try to get him into so that he can also be bottle fed Thank You

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M in Other

How to get breastfed baby to sleep throughout night

My 14 month old still won’t sleep through the night. She struggles with a night routine and even with the same night routine every night. She’s not falling asleep until 10/11 at night. she then wakes at 1/2 for more boob where I usually bring her into my bed cause I’m exhausted. She’s on boob the rest of the night a...

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Incognito in Family

Dont see my partner as often

Maybe its just hormones but me and my partner do not live together yet..I will be moving there in October my due date is 20th of October.. he lives with his family and I be moving there..I told him I dont want to be pregnant and being on my own.. I have not seen my partner since Monday now as we both work and live l...

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