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A space for the women who are just winging it.

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C in C-section

C section mama's, I have a question (stomach related question)

I had my 2nd c section almost a year ago and since having it I can't do carbonation. I love Dr pepper and can no longer drink it because the burps from the carbonation hurt so bad and struggle so much to come out. Has anyone else dealt with this? The delivery was traumatizing they were digging around cutting out mas...

  • C
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Incognito in Postpartum mental health

Feeling down

Does any other mama go into moods where you feel like you’re not good enough? Like there’s this overly pending doom about to hit and everything you do just feels 10x harder and overthinking doesn’t help. Like I am trying super hard but right now it’s hard to show up and I just feel the depression setting in hard.

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Incognito in Relationships

I need advice or words of encouragement

I recently found out I am pregnant with my second baby but I am beyond unhappy in the relationship I’m in (the father of both my babies). But I feel like I’m completely stuck, I am a stay at home mom so I have no income of my own and technically if I left, me and my babies will have a place to go at my moms but it’s...

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Incognito in Other


So on July 14th I had a miscarriage, we knew it was going to happen. Was I sad yes of course but I have always mentally prepared myself for it. I have 2 kids already so I felt I had to keep going because they need me. Each were conceived via ivf. This pregnancy was a SHOCK. I was always advised if I got pregnant on ...

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Incognito in Other

Gender disappointment?

Did any of you that had only 1 child experience gender disappointment when you found out it was the same gender as your first?

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