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D in Pregnancy scans

Too early or blighted ovum?

Based on ovulation, i should be around 6.5 weeks. They still can't see anything in the gestational sac, l've had multiple ultrasounds in the past 2 weeks. I'm freaking out... my sac is measuring 23.5mm, doctor wants to diagnose a blighted ovum. I just wanna have faith, this hurts. I could be too early to see baby, i...

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M in Baby movement

Infantile spasms or reflexes?

My son jumps mid sleep but he’ll position his body directly onto hands/knees and cries a little but it stops once I grab him and move him closer to me. Not sure if it’s muscle spasms, separation anxiety (since he’s a co sleeper), or infantile spasms… of course I’m going to mention this to his doctor , it just doesn’...

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D in Food & cooking

Stale croissants

What should/can I make with these stale croissants?

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S in Birth control


Anyone using Nexplanon? How was your experience? Positive and negative welcome. I got mine a few weeks ago and have not had any symptoms I was warned about. I know it’s still really early but I have not had irregular bleeding or weight gain as of yet.

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Incognito in Baby & toddler food

1 year old not eating normal solid food

Since my son has turned 1, he doesn't want to eat his usual solid foods. He would rather take a bottle than eat solid food. Is this normal, or should I be concerned 😟

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