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Incognito in Vitamins & supplements

Protein powder?

Hi! I’m really struggling to get enough protein into my diet at the moment. Does anyone know if protein powder (specifically the Clear Whey protein from MyProtein) is safe to have during pregnancy?? I sent them an email to ask and they just said to check with my GP 🙃

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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K in Fitness

Running buggy

Any recommendations for running buggy? I have cyber aviation but I find it hard to manoeuvre! 🙈 I get tired just with changing slightly direction

  • K
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Incognito in Weight regulation

Postpartum weight loss

Is anyone else’s postpartum weight just not budging whatsoever even with exercise and calorie counting? I’m now 12 weeks postpartum and the weight is not coming off at all. Baby is bottle fed but my boobs are still leaking milk so not sure whether it’s all the prolactin / hormone imbalances that is making the weight...

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  • Incognito
  • Incognito

H in Health & nutrition

My fitness pal/garmin

What app should I be going by for the calories I need to consume? They're both so different!

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N in Fitness

Running buggy

Hi everyone, Can anyone recommend a running buggy? I want to get back into running and would need to take my 10 month old with me but I don't want to fork out a lot of money on a buggy that isn't up to the job. Thanks 👍

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