The City Girls 🇬🇧

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The City Girls 🇬🇧

A space for those living and working in the hustle and bustle.

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A in Other

Premium haircare products!

Ok new business opportunity in town!! I am calling all moms (but not only) that want to try different ways of income, using the best haircare products on the market and COMPLETELY CHANGE your hair look (but not only) and eventually your life.. Is offered full training as non I’ve seen so far, highest commi...

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N in Multiple birth

Twin mum

Hey ladies , is anyone having twins and looking for a heavily discounted pushchair ? South east London

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Incognito in Sleep & tiredness

Baby brain

Since being back at work I'm finding I'm struggling to absorb information and my memory is shocking! I'm totally capable of doing my job but when a new task is handed over to me I'm finding that I have to really force myself to focus in order absorb what is being told to me. Also someone will ask me a question on so...

  • Incognito
  • Incognito
  • Incognito
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M in Gifting


Hey I’m Micaela it is nice to see groups like this one. I’m a mother of 1 Dalia (2-3). I like to be a mum but also I want to develop myself more is now when I realise that I still have a lot to learn about me and what I can do. I like sewing 🧵 , make juices 🥤, Finance and Music.

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B in Mental health & wellbeing

City mum lunch

Hey all! Any working mums in the city who would like to do a lunch one day?😊 Cheers, B

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