Incognito in Other
What does it mean if your man secretly only had girls as his close friends only and keep following girls after u told him how you feel about that multiple times ?
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Incognito in Other
What does it mean if your man secretly only had girls as his close friends only and keep following girls after u told him how you feel about that multiple times ?
B in Household
So my man pushed me so much to work after staying home with both kids three years. He paid for all bills. I started working at a job that I used to work for. I’ve only been working a month and I was scared to go back to work because I didn’t know how my man was going to handle two kids by himself, but when I start...
S in Other
She's so silly
A in Baby & toddler food
My boyfriend is a habitual snacker, he cannot make any groceries last & I can’t afford to not make them last! I get paid bi weekly & by the time the second week rolls around things are slim, yet here he is a day or so after I finally replenish the food eating me out & house & home. He doesn’t ever save snacks for me...
L in Water birth
Has any mom’s given their newborn gripe water? My son is two months old and has a lot of gas and I have been giving him gripe water. I am trying to find out how many times a day do you give your child gripe water and how long do you wait in between to give it to them?.