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S in Other

Mum group

Hello girls I have made a mums group on WhatsApp if you would like to join xx

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J in Other

Peace & quiet

Just a wee funny post but I’ve got the TV on silent & just sitting on the couch enjoying the silence 😂 a teething toddler in this heat is no joke 🥲 anyone else take 5 mins peace once their baby is down??

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Incognito in Baby sleep

I just need sleep

It doesn’t matter if you have researched the best techniques to calmly handle a tantrum or a meltdown, or if you technically know the best methods to gently soothe your teething poorly baby, or if you have watched every episode of super nanny and follow all the behaviour gurus on instagram… if you are chronicall...

  • Incognito
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S in Baby sleep

2am -530am party time apparently 💤… tips on how to break the cycle

Hi all Just looking for advice. I currently have a 4 week old and of course I’m not expecting to be in a sleep routine just ye, she is brand new and we are both adjusting. However , we are pretty regular every 3-4 hours feeds 4oz. However, the 2am one strikes and she is up then for 2.5 hours and continuing to cry ...

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H in Education


Looks like it's going to be a long day 😴 youngest came into our room crying belly full then went bathroom and wanted to come downstairs so we chilling on the sofa waiting for the older 2 to get up for breakfast. This is not like him to want to come and lay on the sofa poor little man hate seeing my kids poorly. So n...

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