Charitable Wisdom 🇺🇸

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Charitable Wisdom 🇺🇸

A place for women to share advice on charitable acts and activities.

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A in Motherhood

Unpopular opinion

How do you as a mom feel about baby pageants ?

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J in Relationships

First baby mama drama

So my boyfriend’s first baby mama is keeping him away from his two other kids they are in another state. (8 yr old boy and 3 yr old girl) she’s blocked him and me from calling them. When I was pregnant with his third (2 months now) we had let her stay with us for a while but all of a sudden she started getting jealo...

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Incognito in Other

Personal-Loan Experience?

I know it’s not usually recommended to take out a personal loan for big purchases… (It’s always God first and I KNOW he will make a way regardless) — I am a newer, young single-mom. I was wondering if anyone had any advice to share regarding getting a personal loan or alternative options. I would really like to relo...

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B in Other

2023 Has Some People Still BrainWashed

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B in Housing

Nonprofit care closet

Not sure if this is allowed I live in Hampton,Va and I have a nonprofit care closet where I pick up or meet others and take donations (clothes,food,etc) for the homeless and come in contact with homeless or less fortunate families and give them the things they need if interested in helping or donation let me know th...

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